College and CareerCollege and career aspirations may seem far off, but the preparation starts now! Colleges look at all four years of academics, not just junior and senior years, so start strong by performing well in your classes. Don't be the student who silently struggles through a semester—ask your teachers or counselor for help. Asking for help is a strength and can also help build strong relationships with the people you will go to when seeking recommendations as you begin the college application process!
NCS students will be asked to take part in developing their own four-year high school plans. Students will be encouraged to ask questions of themselves and others, to daydream, and examine their own strengths and areas of weakness to help them design an educational pathway that works for them. Some steps you will take include:
- Gather information about the educational pathways at NCS during counselor classroom visits
- Create a student account with the College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)
- Complete a Career Interest Inventory through CFNC
- Meet with the freshman counselor for initial and follow-up high school planning meetings (Fall and Spring)